to appear
Invited Talks
McMahon, C., Modina, V., Klimek-Jankowska, D. & I. Sekerina. Aspect, Negation, and the Visual World Paradigm: An investigation into Russian and Polish. Slavic Linguistics Colloquium (SlavLingColl), Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, December 19th. [Slides]
McMahon, C. 2024. Double Negation in Strict Negative Concord Languages: Analyzing constituent negation. Yale Syntax Reading Group (Yale SynRG), New Haven, CT, March 29th. [Handout]
McMahon, C. 2023. Not Unavailable: Toward a complete analysis of double negation readings in Slavic languages. Syntax near NYU (SynNYU), New York, NY, November 17th. [Slides]
Conference Presentations
McMahon, C. & Modina, V. 2024. Aspect and Negation in Russian: A Visual World Paradigm experiment. Psycholinguistics of Slavic Languages (PsychoSlav), Wrocław, Poland. July 10th. [Poster]
McMahon, C. 2024. A Unified Syntactic Analysis of Double Negation in Slavic Languages. 60th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS). University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. April 27th. [Slides]
Other Presentations
McMahon, C. 2023. Syntactic Variation in American English Dialects. Guest Lecture for ENGL 280-05: Structures of Modern English, Hunter College, New York, NY, November 20th.
McMahon, C. & Pember, K. 2020. Much Ado About For Nothing: Challenging the Definition of Strict Negative Concord. Boston University Linguistics Department Graduate Research Forum, Boston, MA, November 11th.