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Invited Talks

McMahon, C., Modina, V., Klimek-Jankowska, D. & I. Sekerina.  Aspect, Negation, and the Visual World Paradigm: An investigation into Russian and Polish. Slavic Linguistics Colloquium (SlavLingColl), Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, December 19th. [Slides]


McMahon, C. 2024. Double Negation in Strict Negative Concord Languages: Analyzing constituent negation. Yale Syntax Reading Group (Yale SynRG), New Haven, CT, March 29th. [Handout]


McMahon, C. 2023. Not Unavailable: Toward a complete analysis of double negation readings in Slavic languages. Syntax near NYU (SynNYU), New York, NY, November 17th. [Slides]

Conference Presentations

McMahon, C. & Modina, V. 2024. Aspect and Negation in Russian: A Visual World Paradigm experiment. Psycholinguistics of Slavic Languages (PsychoSlav), Wrocław, Poland. July 10th. [Poster]


McMahon, C. 2024. A Unified Syntactic Analysis of Double Negation in Slavic Languages. 60th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS). University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. April 27th. [Slides]


Kohut, A. & McMahon, C. 2023. Double Negation in Russian: Variation in the functional structure of PPs. New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 51, New York, NY, October 14th.


Kohut, A. & McMahon, C. 2023. Disambiguating Double and Single Negation Readings in Russian. 18th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistic Society (SLS), Bratislava, Slovakia, August 26th.

Other Presentations

McMahon, C. 2023. Syntactic Variation in American English Dialects. Guest Lecture for ENGL 280-05: Structures of Modern English, Hunter College, New York, NY, November 20th.


McMahon, C. & Pember, K. 2020. Much Ado About For Nothing: Challenging the Definition of Strict Negative Concord. Boston University Linguistics Department Graduate Research Forum, Boston, MA, November 11th.


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